1 | | Dental | Tertiary | Closed Redution of Mandible | - |
2 | | Dental | Tertiary | Closed Redution of Maxilla | - |
3 | | Dental | Tertiary | Facial Soft Tissue Repair | - |
4 | | Dental | Secondary | Fistulectomy | - |
5 | | Dental | Tertiary | Fixation of fracture of jaw with Implant | - |
6 | | Dental | Tertiary | Fixation of fracture of jaw with K wire | - |
7 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF - Leforte (Level I) | - |
8 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF - Leforte (Level II) | - |
9 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF - Leforte (Level III) | - |
10 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF - Orbital Floor with reconstruction | - |
11 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF Mandible | - |
12 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF Mandible - Bilateral | - |
13 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF Mandible and Maxilla | - |
14 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF Maxilla | - |
15 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF Maxilla - Bilateral | - |
16 | | Dental | Tertiary | ORIF Zygomatic fracture with Implant | - |
17 | | Dental | Tertiary | Osteotomy - Unimax | - |
18 | | Dental | Tertiary | Sequestrectomy | - |
19 | | Dental | Tertiary | Splint Fracture - Alveolar | - |
20 | | Dental | Tertiary | TMJ Ankolysis - Bilateral | - |
21 | | Dental | Tertiary | TMJ Ankolysis - Unilateral | - |
22 | | Dental | Tertiary | Tumour excision - Benign | - |
23 | | Dental | Tertiary | Tumour excision - Malignant | - |
24 | | Ear | Secondary | Aural polypectomy | - |
25 | | Ear | Tertiary | Ear lobe repair - single | - |
26 | | Ear | Tertiary | Excision of Pinna for growth Large - Squamous/Basal/injuries (Including Biopsy) | - |
27 | | Ear | Tertiary | Excision of Pinna for growth Small - Squamous/Basal/injuries (Including Biopsy) | - |
28 | MVD | Ear | Secondary | Facial nerve decompression | - |
29 | | Ear | Secondary | Mastoidectomy - Closed Canal | - |
30 | | Ear | Secondary | Mastoidectomy - Open Canal | - |
31 | | Ear | Secondary | Myringoplasty | - |
32 | | Ear | Secondary | Myringoplasty with Ossiculoplasty | - |
33 | | Ear | Secondary | Myringotomy - Bilateral | - |
34 | | Ear | Secondary | Myringotomy - Unilateral | - |
35 | | Ear | Secondary | Ossiculoplasty | - |
36 | | Ear | Secondary | Preauricular sinus | - |
37 | | Ear | TERTIARY | Skull base surgery | - |
38 | | Ear | Secondary | Stapedectomy | - |
39 | | Ear | Secondary | Total Amputation & Excision of External Auditory Meatus | - |
40 | | Ear | Secondary | Tympanoplasty | - |
41 | | Ear | Secondary | Vidian neurectomy - Micro | - |
42 | | Nose | Secondary | Angiofibrom Exision | - |
43 | | Nose | Secondary | Antrostomy Bilateral | - |
44 | | Nose | Secondary | Antrostomy Unilateral | - |
45 | | Nose | Secondary | Cryosurgery | - |
46 | | Nose | Secondary | Ethmoidectomy - External | - |
47 | FESS/NS | Nose | Secondary | Functional Endoscopic Sinus (FESS) | - |
48 | | Nose | Secondary | Intra Nasal Ethmoidectomy | - |
49 | | Nose | Secondary | Intranasal Diathermy | - |
50 | | Nose | Secondary | Lateral Rhinotomy | - |
51 | | Nose | Secondary | Nasal Cautery | - |
52 | | Nose | Secondary | Nasal polypectomy | - |
53 | | Nose | Secondary | Radical fronto ethmo sphenodectomy | - |
54 | | Nose | Secondary | Septo Turbinoplasty | - |
55 | | Nose | Secondary | Septo-rhinoplasty | - |
56 | | Nose | Secondary | Septoplasty | - |
57 | | Nose | Secondary | Sinus Antroscopy | - |
58 | SMR/S | Nose | Secondary | Submucos resection | - |
59 | | Nose | Secondary | Trans Antral Ethmoidectomy | - |
60 | | Nose | Secondary | Turbinectomy Partial - Bilateral | - |
61 | | Nose | Secondary | Turbinectomy Partial - Unilateral | - |
62 | | Throat | Secondary | Adeno Tonsillectomy | - |
63 | | Throat | Secondary | Adenoidectomy | - |
64 | | Throat | Secondary | Cleft palate repair | - |
65 | | Throat | Secondary | Excision of Branchial Cyst | - |
66 | | Throat | Secondary | Excision of Branchial Sinus | - |
67 | | Throat | Secondary | Excision of Keloid Neck | - |
68 | | Throat | Secondary | Hemiglossectomy | - |
69 | | Throat | Secondary | Laryngectomy - Partial | - |
70 | | Throat | Secondary | Laryngectomy - Total | - |
71 | | Throat | Secondary | Palatopharyngoplasty | - |
72 | | Throat | Secondary | Parapharyngeal - Exploration | - |
73 | | Throat | TERTIARY | Parapharyngeal -Tumour excision | - |
74 | | Throat | Secondary | Parapharyngeal Abscess - Drainage | - |
75 | | Throat | Secondary | Parotidectomy - Radical Total | - |
76 | | Throat | Secondary | Parotidectomy - Superficial | - |
77 | | Throat | Secondary | Pharyngeal diverticulum's Excision | - |
78 | | Throat | Secondary | Quinsy Drainage under GA | - |
79 | | Throat | Secondary | Ranula excision | - |
80 | | Throat | Secondary | Release of Tongue tie | - |
81 | | Throat | Secondary | Removal of Submandibular Salivary gland | - |
82 | | Throat | Secondary | Retro pharyngeal abscess - Drainage | - |
83 | TGCE/TS | Throat | Secondary | Thyroglossal Cyst - Excision | - |
84 | | Throat | Secondary | Tonsillectomy | - |
85 | | Throat | Secondary | Tonsillectomy + Myrinogotomy | - |
86 | | Throat | Secondary | Tonsillectomy + Styloidectomy | - |
87 | | Throat | Secondary | Torticollis | - |
88 | | Throat | TERTIARY | Total Glossectomy | - |
89 | | Throat | Secondary | Total Parotidectomy | - |
90 | | Throat | Secondary | Tracheostomy Under GA | - |
91 | | Throat | Secondary | Tracheostomy Under LA | - |
92 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Uvulophanyngo Plasty | - |
93 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Abdominoperineal Resection | - |
94 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Abscess drainage under General Anesthesia (GA) | - |
95 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Abscess drainage under Local Anesthesia (LA) | - |
96 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Anterior Resection for CA | - |
97 | OA/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Appendicectomy | - |
98 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Appendicectomy + Appendicular Abscess | - |
99 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Appendicectomy + Appendicular Perforation | - |
100 | AEM/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Arterial Embolectomy - Mesenteric | - |
101 | AEP/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Arterial Embolectomy - Peripharal | - |
102 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Aspiration of Empymema | - |
103 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Bakers Cyst - Excision | - |
104 | | General Surgery | Tertiary | Block dissection Cervical Nodes | - |
105 | | General Surgery | Tertiary | Brachio Radial Artery Graft | - |
106 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Branchial Fistula | - |
107 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Breast Lump - Excision - Bilateral | - |
108 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Breast Lump - Excision - Unilateral | - |
109 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Bursa - Excision | - |
110 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Burst Abdomen Obstruction | - |
111 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Caecopexy | - |
112 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Carbuncle back | - |
113 | CTI/SS | General Surgery | Tertiary | Chest Intubation under Waterseal | - |
114 | OC/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Cholecystectomy (Open) | Open Chole |
115 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Cholecystectomy (Open) & Exploration of CBD | - |
116 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Colectomy - Total | - |
117 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Colostomy | - |
118 | CR/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Colostomy Reversal | - |
119 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Cyst over Scrotum - Excision | - |
120 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Cystic Mass - Excision Abdominal | - |
121 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Dermoid Cyst - Large - Excision | - |
122 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Dermoid Cyst - Small - Excision | - |
123 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Diverticulectomy | - |
124 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Dorsal Slit and Reduction of Paraphimosis | - |
125 | | General Surgery | Tertiary | Drainage Pericardial Effusion (Pericardiocentesis) | - |
126 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Drainage of Ischio Rectal Abscess | - |
127 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Drainage of Psoas Abscess | - |
128 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Drainage of Subdiaphragmatic Abscess | - |
129 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Duodenectomy | - |
130 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Duodenojejunostomy | - |
131 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Endoscopic band ligation | - |
132 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Epididymal Cyst | - |
133 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Epididymal Swelling -Excision | - |
134 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Epididymectomy | - |
135 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Evacuation of Scrotal Hematoma | - |
136 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision Benign Tumor - Gastrointestinal tract (with Biopsy) | - |
137 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision Biopsy under GA | - |
138 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision Biopsy under local anaesthesia | - |
139 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision Mammary Fistula | - |
140 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision Pilonidal Sinus (Karydikays procedure) | - |
141 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision of Lingual Thyroid | - |
142 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision of Neurofibroma | - |
143 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Excision of Parathyroid Adenoma/Carcinoma | - |
144 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Excision of Sebaceous Cysts | - |
145 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Exploratory Laparotomy (Peritonitis) | - |
146 | | General Surgery | Tertiary | Exploratory Laparotomy (Trauma) | - |
147 | | General Surgery | Tertiary | Exploratory Laparotomy (Tumors resection + Colostomy/Ileostomy) | - |
148 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Exploratory Laparotomy (Tumors resection) | - |
149 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fibroadenoma - Bilateral (With Biopsy) | - |
150 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fibroadenoma - Unilateral (With Biopsy) | - |
151 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fibroma - Excision | - |
152 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fissurectomy | - |
153 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fissurectomy and Haemorrhoidectomy | - |
154 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fissurectomy with Eversion of Sac - Bilateral | - |
155 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fissurectomy with Sphincterotomy | LIS |
156 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Fistulectomy (Peri Anal) | - |
157 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Foreign Body Removal in Abdomen / Perinuem | - |
158 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Foreign Body Removal in Deep Region - Deep pelvious / perineum (under GA) | - |
159 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Foreign Body in Fascia | - |
160 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Foreign body removal under GA | - |
161 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Ganglion - Small - Excision | - |
162 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Ganglion - large - Excision | - |
163 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Gastric Perforation | - |
164 | | General Surgery | Tertiary | Gastrojejunostomy CA | - |
165 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Gastrotomy | - |
166 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Glomus Tumor Excision | - |
167 | GO/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Graham's Operation | - |
168 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Granuloma - Excision | - |
169 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Haemangioma - Excision | - |
170 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hemorrhoidectomy | - |
171 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Haemorrhoidectomy + Fistulectomy | - |
172 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hemicolectomy | - |
173 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hemithyroidectomy | - |
174 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hepatic Resection (lobectomy) | - |
175 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hernia - Epigastric | - |
176 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hernia - Femoral | - |
177 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hernia - Hiatus (Stomach Prolapse) | - |
178 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hernia - Incisional | - |
179 | HR/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Hernia - Repair | - |
180 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hernia - Umbilical | - |
181 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hernioplasty (mesh repair) | - |
182 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Herniorraphy and Hydrocelectomy Sac Excision | - |
183 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hydatid Cyst of Liver | - |
184 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hydrocele - Excision | - |
185 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hydrocelectomy + Orchidectomy | - |
186 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Hydrocelectomy+ Hernioplasty (With Mesh) | - |
187 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Ilieo Sigmoidostomy | - |
188 | I&D GA/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Incision & Drainage - Major (GA) | - |
189 | I&D LA/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Incision & Drainage - Minor (LA) | - |
190 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Intestinal Perforation (Resection Anastomosis) | - |
191 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Intussusception | - |
192 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Jejunostomy | - |
193 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Lap. Cholecystectomy & CBD exploration | - |
194 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis | - |
195 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy | - |
196 | LA/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Appendicectomy | - |
197 | LC/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy | Lap. Chole |
198 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Cystectomy | - |
199 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Hernia Repair | - |
200 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Thyroidectomy | - |
201 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Ureterolithotomy | - |
202 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia repair | - |
203 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic cystogastrostomy | - |
204 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair | - |
205 | L/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Laparotomy | - |
206 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laproscopic Hiatus Hernia Repair | - |
207 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Laproscopic Pyelolithotomy | - |
208 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Lipoma | - |
209 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Liver Abscess Drainage - Needle Aspiration | - |
210 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Liver Abscess Drainage - Open | - |
211 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Lymphnode - Excision with Biopsy | - |
212 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Mastectomy / (Complete Breast Excision) | - |
213 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Mesenteric Cyst - Excision | - |
214 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Oeshophagoscopy for foreign body removal | - |
215 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Oesophagectomy | - |
216 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Open Cholecystostomy | - |
217 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Operation of Choledochal Cyst | - |
218 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Orchidectomy | - |
219 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Orchidectomy + Herniorraphy | - |
220 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Orchidopexy | - |
221 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Pancreatrico Deodeneotomy (Whipple procedure) | - |
222 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Papilloma Rectum - Excision | - |
223 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy for Carcinoma | - |
224 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Pelvic Abscess - Open Drainage | - |
225 | | General Surgery | Secondary | PeriAnal Fistula with Seton | - |
226 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Phytomatous Growth in the Scalp - Excision | - |
227 | PSARP/S | General Surgery | Secondary | Posterior Siggtal Anorectoplasty | - |
228 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Pyeloroplasty | - |
229 | MRM/ST | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Radical Mastectomy | - |
230 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Rectal Benign Tumour (Incl. Histopath) | - |
231 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Rectal Dilation | - |
232 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Rectal polyp | - |
233 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Rectopexy | - |
234 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Removal of Foreign Body from Trachea | - |
235 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Retroperitoneal Tumor - Excision | - |
236 | IR/SS | General Surgery | Secondary | Reversal of Ileostomy | - |
237 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Rubber band ligation - Hemorrhoid | - |
238 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Segmental Resection of Breast | - |
239 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Sigmoid Diverticulum | - |
240 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Splenectomy | - |
241 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Suturing of wounds with local anesthesia | - |
242 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Thorachostomy (Under Water Seal) | - |
243 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Thoracoplasty | - |
244 | | General Surgery | TERTIARY | Total Thyroidectomy (Cancer) | - |
245 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Total Thyroidectomy and Block Dissection | - |
246 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Umbilical Sinus - Excision | - |
247 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Varicose Veins - Excision and Ligation | - |
248 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Vasectomy | - |
249 | | General Surgery | Secondary | Volvlous of Large Bowel | - |
250 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Abdomen Open for Removal of IUD (Intrauterine Device) | - |
251 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Adnexal Mass removal | - |
252 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Anterior Posterior (Cystocele + Rectocele) - AP Repair | - |
253 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Anterior Repair (Cystocele) | - |
254 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Bartholin abscess I & D | - |
255 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Bartholin cyst removal | - |
256 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Bilateral Tubal Ligation (Stand alone) | - |
257 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Cervical Cerclage | - |
258 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Cervical Polypectomy | - |
259 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Cesarean Hysterectomy | - |
260 | LSCS/GS | Gynaecology | Secondary | Cesarean delivery | - |
261 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Colporrhaphy | - |
262 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Cyst - Labial | - |
263 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | D&C ( Dilatation & curetage ) > 12 wks with prior IA approval | - |
264 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | D&C ( Dilatation & curretage)upto 8 wks | - |
265 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | D&C ( dilatation & Curretage) upto 12 wks | - |
266 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Diagnostic D&C with Biopsy | - |
267 | E&C/GS | Gynaecology | Secondary | E&C | - |
268 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Haemato Colpo/Excision - Vaginal Septum | - |
269 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Hymenectomy | - |
270 | TVH/GS | Gynaecology | Secondary | Hysterectomy - Vaginal | - |
271 | TAH/GS | Gynaecology | Secondary | Hysterectomy - abdominal | - |
272 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Hysterotomy -Tumors removal | - |
273 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Laparotomy -failed laproscopy to explore | - |
274 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Laparotomy for ectopic repture | - |
275 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Laproscopy Hysterectomy | - |
276 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Low Forceps/Vaccum Delivery | - |
277 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Manual removel of Plecenta | - |
278 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Myomectomy - Abdominal (including Biopsy) | - |
279 | SVD | Gynaecology | Secondary | Normal Delivery | - |
280 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Normal delivery with episiosty and P repair | - |
281 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Ovarectomy/Oophrectomy | - |
282 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Ovarian Cystectomy | - |
283 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Perforamtion of Uterus after D/E laparotomy and closure | - |
284 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Perineal Tear Repair (Trauma) | - |
285 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Posterior Repair (Rectocele) | - |
286 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Prolapse Uterus - Manchester | - |
287 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Prolapse Uterus -L forts | - |
288 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Recto Vaginal Fistula -Repair | - |
289 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Repair of post coital tear, perineal injury | - |
290 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Rupture Uterus , closer and repair with tubal ligation | - |
291 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Sacrohysteropexy with mesh | - |
292 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Salphingo-oophorectomy | - |
293 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Termination of Pregnancy more than 24 weeks | - |
294 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Vaginal Tear Repair (Trauma) | - |
295 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Vaginal Vault Prolapse | - |
296 | VVF/GS | Gynaecology | Secondary | Vesico Vaginal Fistula repair | - |
297 | | Gynaecology | Secondary | Vulvectomy - Radical | - |
298 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Adhenolysis | - |
299 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Colonoscopy | - |
300 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Colonoscopy With Banding | - |
301 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Esophageal Sclerotheraphy for varices | - |
302 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Incisional Hernia - Repair (With Mesh) | - |
303 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Hemicolectomy | - |
304 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Hysterectomy with bilateral Salpingo Operectomy | - |
305 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Inguinal Hernia - Bilateral | - |
306 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Inguinal hernia - Unilateral | - |
307 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Oophrectomy | - |
308 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Ovarian Cystectomy | - |
309 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Salpingo Ophrectomy | - |
310 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Varicocele - Bilateral | - |
311 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Lap. Varicocele - Unilateral | - |
312 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Laparoscopic Myomectomy | - |
313 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Upper GI endoscopy | - |
314 | | Endoscopic Procedures | Secondary | Upper GI endoscopy with biopsy | - |
315 | ACDF/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) | - |
316 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Brachial Plexus – Repair | - |
317 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Brain Biopsy | - |
318 | BHSDH/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Burr hole with Sub Dural Haematoma / Intracerebral Haematoma | - |
319 | BHEDH/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Burr hole with abscess/extra dural haematoma | - |
320 | | Neurosurgery | Secondary | Carpal Tunnel Release including NCS | - |
321 | | Neurosurgery | Tertiary | Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Rhinorrohea - Endoscopic | - |
322 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Rhinorrohea - Repair | - |
323 | | Neurosurgery | Secondary | Cervical Ribs - Bilateral | - |
324 | | Neurosurgery | Secondary | Cervical Ribs - Unilateral | - |
325 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | CranioPlasty - Endogenous graft | - |
326 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | CranioPlasty - Exogenous graft | - |
327 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Craniostenosis | - |
328 | CEDH/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Craniotomy for Hematoma (Extradural) | - |
329 | CSDH/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Craniotomy for Hematoma (Subdural) | - |
330 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Craniotomy for Tumours – Infratentorial | - |
331 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Craniotomy for Tumours – Supratentorial | - |
332 | DF/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Depressed Fracture | - |
333 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Drainage of Spinal Abcsess | - |
334 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Duroplasty - Endogenous | - |
335 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Duroplasty - Exogenous | - |
336 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | EVD ( External Venticular Drian ) | - |
337 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Encephalocele | - |
338 | ETV | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV) | - |
339 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Excision of Brain Abscess | - |
340 | L2+/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Laminectomy Level 2 or more | - |
341 | LeF/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Laminectomy with Fixation | - |
342 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Laminectomy with Fixation Level 2 or more | - |
343 | | Neurosurgery | Tertiary | Local Neurectomy | - |
344 | | Neurosurgery | Tertiary | Meningocele - Anterior | - |
345 | | Neurosurgery | Tertiary | Meningocele - Lumbar | - |
346 | MMC/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Meningomyelocele | - |
347 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Micro discectomy – Cervical (Anterior) | - |
348 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Micro discectomy – Cervical (Posterior) 1 Level | - |
349 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Micro discectomy – Cervical (Posterior) 2 Levels | - |
350 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Micro discectomy – Lumbar 1-Level | - |
351 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Micro discectomy – Lumbar 2+Levels | - |
352 | | Neurosurgery | Secondary | R.F. Lesion for Trigeminal Neuralgia | - |
353 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Removal of Spinal Implant | - |
354 | | Neurosurgery | Tertiary | Revision of VP Shunt | - |
355 | VP Shunt/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Shunt (peritoneal, ventriculo-atrial/ peritoneal, theco peritoneal) | - |
356 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Spina Bifida Occulta | - |
357 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Spine - Extradural Tumour | - |
358 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Spine - Intradural Tumour | - |
359 | | Neurosurgery | Tertiary | Spine - Intramedullar Tumour | - |
360 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | TransNasal, TransSphenoidal - Excision of Tumor | - |
361 | TPF/NT | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | TransPedicular Fixation (TPF) | - |
362 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | TransPedicular Fixation (TPF) - more than 4 screws | - |
363 | | Neurosurgery | TERTIARY | Twist Drill Craniostomy | - |
364 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Abscess Drainage of Lid | - |
365 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Anterior Chamber Reconstruction | - |
366 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Canaliculo Dacryocysto Rhinostomy (CDR) | - |
367 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Capsulotomy | - |
368 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Cataract with IOL Phacoemulsification - Unilateral | - |
369 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Cauterization of Ulcer | - |
370 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Chalazion - one eye | - |
371 | | Ophthalmology | TERTIARY | Conjunctival Melanoma (Lymphnode involvment) | - |
372 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Conjunctival Melanoma - Localized | - |
373 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Corneal Grafting | - |
374 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Corneal Perforation (Major) | - |
375 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Corneal Perforation (Minor) | - |
376 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Cyst | - |
377 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | DCR (Dacryocystorhinostomy) | - |
378 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Dacryocystectomy (DCY) | - |
379 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) with Intubation | - |
380 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Ectropion Correction | - |
381 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Entropion correction | - |
382 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Enucleation (with implant) | - |
383 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Enucleation without implant | - |
384 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Epicantuhus correction (Trauma Only) | - |
385 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Eviseration (With Impant) | - |
386 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Exentration (With Implant) | - |
387 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Glaucoma surgeries Closed Angle | - |
388 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Glaucoma surgeries Open Angle | - |
389 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | IRIS Prolapse - Repair | - |
390 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Intraocular Foreign Body Removal (Penetrated to Anterior Chamber) | - |
391 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Intraocular Foreign Body Removal (Penetrated to Posterior Chamber) | - |
392 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Laser for retinopath | - |
393 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Lensectomy | - |
394 | | Ophthalmology | TERTIARY | Lid tear | - |
395 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Limbal Dermoid Removal | - |
396 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Open Angle Glaucoma Surgery (trabeculectomy) | - |
397 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Orbitotomy | - |
398 | | Ophthalmology | TERTIARY | Perforating corneo - Scleral Injury | - |
399 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Pterygium (Day care) | - |
400 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Pterygium + Conjunctival Autograft | - |
401 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Ptosis (Sling Procedure) | - |
402 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Ptosis Internal Procedure | - |
403 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Small Tumour of Lid - Excision | - |
404 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Socket Reconstruction | - |
405 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Squint correction | - |
406 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Squint correction - Bilateral | - |
407 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Subconjunctival Injections | - |
408 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Tumours of IRIS | - |
409 | | Ophthalmology | Secondary | Vitrectomy | - |
410 | AKA/T | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Above Knee Amputation | - |
411 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation (One or Two) Digit | - |
412 | A1/2T/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation (One or Two) Toe | - |
413 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Wrist Axillary Node Dissection | - |
414 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Ankle | - |
415 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Arm | - |
416 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Foot | - |
417 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Fore Arm | - |
418 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Forefoot | - |
419 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Part of Toe and Fixation of K Wire | - |
420 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation - Wrist | - |
421 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation Three or More Digits | - |
422 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Amputation Three or More Toes | - |
423 | SPICA/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Application of P.O.P. Spicas & Jackets | - |
424 | POP/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Application of P.O.P. casts for Upper & Lower Limbs | - |
425 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Arthoplasty Excision | - |
426 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Arthorotomy | - |
427 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Arthrodesis - Shoulder Hip & Knee | - |
428 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Arthrodesis Triple | - |
429 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Arthrodesis of Ankle (With Implant) | - |
430 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Arthroplasty of Femur head - Excision | - |
431 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Arthroscopy (Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair/ Meniscectomy) | - |
432 | BKA/T | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Below Knee Amputation | - |
433 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Bone Tumour Excision and Reconstruction - Major | - |
434 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Bone Tumour Excision and Reconstruction - Minor | - |
435 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Clavicle Surgery (With Impant) | - |
436 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Close Fixation - Foot Bones | - |
437 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Closed Fixation - Hand Bones | - |
438 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Closed Interlocking Intermedullary | - |
439 | NAIL/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Nailing | - |
440 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Screw Fixation | - |
441 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Closed Reduction and Percuteneous Pinning | - |
442 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Closed Reduction of Dislocation Elbow & Shoulder | - |
443 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Closed Reduction of Dislocation Hip and Knee | - |
444 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Debridement & Closure - General Anaesthesia | - |
445 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Debridement & Closure - Local Anaesthesia | - |
446 | | Orthopaedic | Secondary | Decompression of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome including NCS | - |
447 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Dupuytren Contracture | - |
448 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Dynamic Condylar Screw (DCS) | - |
449 | DHS/T | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) | - |
450 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Elbow Reconstruction | - |
451 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Exostosis Small bones Excision | - |
452 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Exostosis of Long Bone | - |
453 | | Orthopaedic | Secondary | Exploration Of Ulna Nerve (Decompression) | - |
454 | EFLB/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | External fixation - Long bone | - |
455 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | External fixation - Pelvis | - |
456 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | External fixation - Small bone | - |
457 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Fasciotomy | - |
458 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Fracture - Acetabulam | - |
459 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Hemi-Arthroplasty (Cemented) - Bipolar | - |
460 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Hemi-Arthroplasty (Uncemented) - Bipolar | - |
461 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Hemi-Arthroplasty Cemented | - |
462 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Hemi-Arthroplasty Uncemented | - |
463 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Hip Region Surgery (unstable fracture) | - |
464 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Hip Spica (Close Reduction of Hip) | - |
465 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Illizarove | - |
466 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | K Wire Fixation - Complex | - |
467 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | K Wire Fixation - Simple | - |
468 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Laminectomy | - |
469 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Leg Lengthening | - |
470 | MUA/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | MUA Manipulation Under (General) Anesthesia | - |
471 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Multiple Tendon Repair | - |
472 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Nerve Repair Surgery Digits | - |
473 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Nerve Repair Surgery Lymphs | - |
474 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Ulna | - |
475 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF - Epicondyle | - |
476 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF - Olecranon (TBW) | - |
477 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF - Tibia & Femur | - |
478 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Femoral Neck (Cannulated screw fixation) | - |
479 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Femur (Screw Fixation) | - |
480 | OFB/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Femur bone | - |
481 | OH/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Humerus | - |
482 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Humerus - Philos Locking Plate | - |
483 | OR/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Radius | - |
484 | ORU/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Radius and Ulna (Combined) | - |
485 | OT/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF TIBIA | - |
486 | OTF/OT | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF Tibia and Fibula (Combined) | - |
487 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF with K wires | - |
488 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF+Bone Grafting (Complex) + (incl. removal of implant) | - |
489 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | ORIF+Bone Grafting (Simple) | - |
490 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Open Reduction Internal Fixation (1 or more small bone) | - |
491 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Open Reduction Internal Fixation (Large Bone) | - |
492 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Open Reduction of Small Joint | - |
493 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Osteotomy -Long Bone | - |
494 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Osteotomy -Small Bone | - |
495 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Patellectomy | - |
496 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Pelvic Fracture - Fixation | - |
497 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Ponseti Casting - Club Foot Bilateral | - |
498 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Ponseti Casting - Club Foot Unilateral | - |
499 | | Orthopaedic | Secondary | Postero-Medial Release (PMR) Club Foot - Bilateral | - |
500 | | Orthopaedic | Secondary | Postero-Medial Release (PMR) Club Foot - Unilateral | - |
501 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Radial Head Excision | - |
502 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Reconstruction of ACL/PCL | - |
503 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of Hip Implant | - |
504 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of DHS | - |
505 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of External Fixator | - |
506 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of IM Nail | - |
507 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of Illizarove | - |
508 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of K Wire | - |
509 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of One or More Screws | - |
510 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of One or more Plate | - |
511 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of Pin Fixator | - |
512 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of Rush Nail | - |
513 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Removal of Tension Band Wires Patella, Olecrenon | - |
514 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Sequestrectomy of Long Bones | - |
515 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Sequestrectomy of Small Bone | - |
516 | | Orthopaedic | Secondary | Tendo Achilles Tenotomy | - |
517 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Tendon Grafting | - |
518 | | Orthopaedic | Secondary | Tendon Nerve Surgery of Foot | - |
519 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Tendon Repair - Single | - |
520 | | Orthopaedic | Secondary | Tenotomy - Tendon Release / Repair | - |
521 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Tension Band Wiring Patella | - |
522 | | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Wound debridement under General Anaesthesia | - |
523 | WWLA/O | Orthopaedic | Tertiary | Wound debridement under Local Anaesthesia | - |
524 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Abdomino Perioneal (Exomphalos) | - |
525 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Anal Dilatation | - |
526 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Anal Transposition for Ectopic Anus | - |
527 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Colectomy | - |
528 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Hernia - Diaphragmatic with mesh | - |
529 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Hernia-Inguinal - Bilateral | - |
530 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Hernia-Inguinal -Unilateral | - |
531 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Hirschsprung Disease (Duhamel Pull Through) | Pull THrough |
532 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Imperforate Anus | - |
533 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Meckel's Diverticulectomy | - |
534 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Orchidopexy - Bilateral | - |
535 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Orchidopexy - Unilateral | - |
536 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Pyelolithotomy | - |
537 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Pyeloplasty | - |
538 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Pyloric Stenosis (Ramsted OP) | - |
539 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Rectal Polyp | - |
540 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Resection & Anastamosis of Intestine | - |
541 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Torsion Testis | - |
542 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Tracheo Esophageal Fistula | - |
543 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Ureterotomy | - |
544 | | Paediatric | Secondary | Urethroplasty | - |
545 | | Endocrine | Secondary | Axillary lymphnode - Excision (With Biopsy) | - |
546 | | Endocrine | Tertiary | Parotid Tumour - Excision | - |
547 | HT/ES | Endocrine | Secondary | Thyroidectomy - Hemi | - |
548 | TT/ES | Endocrine | Secondary | Thyroidectomy - Total | - |
549 | | Urology | Secondary | Bilateral Laproscopic Pyelolithotomy | - |
550 | | Urology | Secondary | Bladder Diverticulectomy (Transurethral Fulguration) | - |
551 | CU/US | Urology | Secondary | Cysto-Urethroscopy and proceed | - |
552 | | Urology | Secondary | Cystolitholapaxy | PUCL |
553 | | Urology | Secondary | Cystolithotomy | - |
554 | | Urology | Secondary | Cystoscopy with Bilateral DJ Stent | - |
555 | DJ/US | Urology | Secondary | Cystoscopy with Unilateral DJ Stent | - |
556 | | Urology | Secondary | Drainage of Perinepheric Abscess | - |
557 | | Urology | Secondary | Excision of Renal Cyst | - |
558 | | Urology | Secondary | Exploration of Epididymus (Unsuccesful Vasco vasectomy) | - |
559 | | Urology | Secondary | Hypospadias Repair | - |
560 | | Urology | Secondary | Lithotripsy (each session) | - |
561 | | Urology | Secondary | Lithotripsy with DJ Stenting | - |
562 | | Urology | Secondary | Meatoplasty | - |
563 | N/US | Urology | Secondary | Nephrectomy | - |
564 | | Urology | Secondary | Nephro Uretrectomy | - |
565 | NL/US | Urology | Secondary | Nephrolithotomy | - |
566 | PCN/US | Urology | Secondary | Nephrostomy (Percutaneous) | - |
567 | | Urology | Secondary | Open Nephrostomy with Tube | - |
568 | | Urology | Secondary | Operation for Injury of Bladder | - |
569 | PCNL/US | Urology | Secondary | PCNL (Percutaneous nephro lithotomy) | - |
570 | | Urology | Secondary | Partial Cystectomy | - |
571 | | Urology | Secondary | Partial Nephrectomy | - |
572 | PUV/US | Urology | Secondary | Post Urethral Valve | - |
573 | PL/US | Urology | Secondary | Pyelolithotomy | - |
574 | PP/US | Urology | Secondary | Pyeloplasty | - |
575 | RN | Urology | Tertiary | Radical Nephrectomy | - |
576 | | Urology | Secondary | Reimplanation of Urethra | - |
577 | | Urology | Secondary | Reimplantation of Ureter | - |
578 | | Urology | Secondary | Repair of Tunica Albuginea | - |
579 | | Urology | Secondary | Repair of Uretero Vaginal Fistula | - |
580 | | Urology | Secondary | Repair of Ureterocele | - |
581 | | Urology | Secondary | Retrograde IntraRenal Surgery (RIRS) - Tumour | - |
582 | | Urology | Secondary | Retropubic Prostatectomy | - |
583 | | Urology | Secondary | Spleno Renal Anastomosis | - |
584 | SPC/US | Urology | Secondary | Suprapubic Cystostomy - Open | Vesicostomy Closure |
585 | | Urology | Secondary | Suprapubic Drainage - Closed | - |
586 | | Urology | Tertiary | TURBT (Transurethral Resection of the Bladder Tumor) with Histopathology | - |
587 | TURP/US | Urology | Secondary | TURP (Trans-Urethral Resection of Prostate) | - |
588 | | Urology | Secondary | Torsion Testis | - |
589 | TVP/US | Urology | Secondary | Trans Vesical Prostatectomy | - |
590 | URS/US | Urology | Secondary | URS (Ureteroscopic stone Removal) | - |
591 | | Urology | Secondary | URS Extraction of Stone Ureter - Bilateral | - |
592 | URSeDJ | Urology | Secondary | URS with DJ Stenting | - |
593 | | Urology | Secondary | URS with DJ Stenting - Bilateral | - |
594 | | Urology | Secondary | Urachal Cyst | - |
595 | DJR/US | Urology | Secondary | Ureteral Stents Removal | DJ Removal |
596 | | Urology | Secondary | Ureteric Catheterization - Cystoscopy | - |
597 | | Urology | Secondary | Uretero Colic Anastomosis | - |
598 | UL/US | Urology | Secondary | Ureterolithotomy | - |
599 | | Urology | Secondary | Ureteroscopic Urethroplasty | - |
600 | UD/US | Urology | Secondary | Urethral Dilatation | - |
601 | | Urology | Secondary | Uretrostomy (Cutanie) | - |
602 | VIU/US | Urology | Secondary | VIU (Visual Internal Urethrotomy ) | - |
603 | | Urology | Secondary | Varicocele | - |
604 | | Urology | Secondary | Vesico Uretero Reflux - Unilateral | - |
605 | | Urology | Secondary | Vesico uretero Reflux - Bilateral | - |
606 | VL/US | Urology | Secondary | Vesicolithotomy | - |
607 | AFI/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | AFI (Acute febrile illness) | - |
608 | Asthma/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute Asthmatic Attack | - |
609 | AC/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute Cholecystitis | - |
610 | AG/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute Gastritis | - |
611 | AGE/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute Gastroentritis | - |
612 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute Suppurative Otitis Media | - |
613 | ATM/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute Transverse Myelitis | - |
614 | AVH/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute Viral Hepatitis | - |
615 | A&CM/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Acute and chronic meningitis | - |
616 | A&CP/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Acute and chronic pancreatitis | - |
617 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute and subacute endocarditis | - |
618 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute bronchitis | - |
619 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy | - |
620 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute organophosphorus poisoning | - |
621 | ARF/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute renal failure | - |
622 | A&CD/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acute/ Chronic diarrohea | - |
623 | COPD/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Acutre excaberation of COPD | - |
624 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Amoebiasis | - |
625 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Amyloidosis | - |
626 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Anhydramnios Pregnancy | - |
627 | AA/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Appendicitis | - |
628 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Arthritis | - |
629 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Ascites Workup | - |
630 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Biliary Colic / Choledocholithiasis | - |
631 | BA/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Birth Asphysia | - |
632 | BD/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Bleeding Disorder | - |
633 | B/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Bronchiatasis | - |
634 | CKD/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | CKD Conservative Rx | - |
635 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Celiac Disease | - |
636 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Cellulitis | - |
637 | CVA/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Cerebral infarction (Ischaemic/hemorrhagic stroke) | - |
638 | CS/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Cervical Spondylosis | - |
639 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Cholangitis | - |
640 | CLD/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Chronic Liver Disease (CLD) | - |
641 | CVH/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Chronic viral hepatitis | - |
642 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Complications of Cerebral Palsy | - |
643 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Conservative Management - Burns | - |
644 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Crohn's Disease | - |
645 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) | - |
646 | DF/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Dengue fever [classical dengue] | - |
647 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Dengue haemorrhagic fever | - |
648 | DC/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Diabetic Complication | - |
649 | DKA/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Diabetic ketoacidosis | - |
650 | DR/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Drug Reaction | - |
651 | DUB/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) | - |
652 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Eclampsia | - |
653 | E/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Emphysema | - |
654 | EF/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Enteric Fever (Typhiod) | - |
655 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Epididymitis / Epididymo-orchitis | - |
656 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Esophagitis | - |
657 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | GBS (Guillian Barre Syndrome) | - |
658 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Gestational Diabetes | - |
659 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension with significant proteinuria | - |
660 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant proteinuria | - |
661 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Glomerulonephritis | - |
662 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | | - |
663 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | HIV with complications | - |
664 | HI/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Head Injury | - |
665 | HF/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Heart Failure | - |
666 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Heat stroke | - |
667 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Hemothorax | - |
668 | HE/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Hepatic Encephalopathy | - |
669 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Hepatic Injury | - |
670 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | High Dependency Units (HDU) | - |
671 | HRP/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | High Risk Pregnancy - Conservative Management | - |
672 | HCP/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Hydrocephalus | - |
673 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic coma | - |
674 | HTNE/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Hypertension Emergencies | - |
675 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis | - |
676 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Hypothyroidism Severe / Myxedema | - |
677 | | Medical Cases | Both | Intensive Care Unit - ICU | - |
678 | IO/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Intestinal Obstruction | - |
679 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Intracerebral haemorrhage | - |
680 | IHD/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Ischemic Heart Disease | - |
681 | LA/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Liver abscess | - |
682 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Lung abscess/ Empyema | - |
683 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Malabsorption syndrome | - |
684 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Malaria (severe/cerebral) | - |
685 | MPCMT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Malignancy Palliative Care | - |
686 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Mesenteric Lymphadenitis | - |
687 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Metabolic Encephalopathy | - |
688 | NNC/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Neo Natal Care (Birth Complications exchange NEC) | - |
689 | NS/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Nephrotic syndrome | - |
690 | OJ/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Obstructive Jaundice | - |
691 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified | - |
692 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Other bacterial intestinal infections | - |
693 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pancytopenia Workup | - |
694 | PID/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) | - |
695 | PUD/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Peptic Ulcer Disease | - |
696 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pericardial/ Pleural tuberculosis | - |
697 | PVD/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Peripheral Vascular Disease | - |
817 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Plasmapheresis (pre-auth) | - |
698 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Plasmodium Vivax malaria | - |
699 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Plasmodium falciparum malaria | - |
700 | PEW/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pleural Effusion Workup | - |
701 | LRTI/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pneumonia / LRTI | - |
702 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae | - |
703 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae | - |
704 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pneumothorax | - |
705 | PT/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pneumothorax | - |
706 | PE/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pulmonary Embolism | - |
707 | PUO/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Pyrexia of unknown origin | - |
708 | RC/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Renal colic | - |
709 | RE/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Renal encephalopathy | - |
710 | RF/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Respiratory failure due to any cause (pneumonia, asthma, COPD, ARDS, foreign |
body | poisoning | head injury etc.) SPO2 < 70" | - |
711 | TB/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed | - |
712 | RHD/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Rheumatic Heart Disease | - |
713 | S/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Seizures | - |
714 | SW/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Septic Wound Infection | - |
715 | SA/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Severe anemia HB < 6.0 | - |
716 | S/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Severe sepsis/Septic shock | - |
717 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Sheehan Syndrome Conservative Rx | - |
718 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | | - |
719 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis | - |
720 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Snake bite | - |
721 | SAH/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Subarachnoid haemorrhage | - |
722 | SLE/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Systematic lupus erythematosus | - |
723 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Tetanus | - |
724 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Traumatic Optic Neuropathy | - |
725 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Type 1/2 respiratory failure SPO2<70 | - |
726 | UTI/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) | - |
727 | UC/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Ulcerative Colitis (UC) | - |
728 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus (Greater 300) | - |
729 | UGIB/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Upper GI bleeding (conservative) | - |
730 | U/MS | Medical Cases | Secondary | Urosepsis | - |
731 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Vasculitis | - |
732 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Ventilator | - |
733 | VE/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Viral encephalitis | - |
734 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Visceral leishmaniasis | - |
735 | WM/MT | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Workup For Malignancy | - |
736 | | Medical Cases | Secondary | Workup for Splenomegaly | - |
737 | AVF/T | Tertiary/Priority | Tertiary | Arteriovenous (AV) Fistula | - |
738 | | Tertiary/Priority | Tertiary | Dialysis | - |
739 | | Tertiary/Priority | Tertiary | Double Lumen Catheter | - |
740 | | Tertiary/Priority | Tertiary | Thalassemia (per session) | - |
741 | | BURNS/Surgery | Secondary | Hypospadias Repair - per stage | - |
742 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Angioplasty - 1 DEB (Drug Eluted Balloon) | - |
743 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Angioplasty - four Stents (Drug Eluted) | - |
744 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Angioplasty - single Stent (Drug Eluted) | - |
745 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Angioplasty - three Stents (Drug Eluted) | - |
746 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Angioplasty - two Stents (Drug Eluted) | - |
747 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty | - |
748 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Arterial Embolectomy | - |
749 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Cardiac Cath | - |
750 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Coronary Angiography | - |
751 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | DDDR PACEMAKER (PPM) - MRI safe | - |
752 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | ElectroPhysiology (EP studies) - Right | - |
753 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Failure to Proceed to Angioplasty | - |
754 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | PTMC - New Balloon | - |
755 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | PTMC - Used Balloon | - |
756 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Pericardectomy without CPB | - |
757 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Pericardiocentesis | - |
758 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Permanent Pace Maker - VVIR (Single Chamber) | - |
759 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty (POBA) | - |
760 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Pulmonary Balloon Valvuloplasty (Closed) | - |
761 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Temporary Pace Maker | - |
762 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Thrombuster | - |
763 | | Cardiology | Tertiary | Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVC) | - |
764 | | Interventional Radiology | Tertiary | Central Venous Catheter | - |
765 | | Interventional Radiology | Secondary | Percutaneous Nephrostomy Unilateral | - |
766 | | Interventional Radiology | Secondary | Percutaneous Nephrostomy(Bi lateral) | - |
767 | | Interventional Radiology | Tertiary | Perma Cath Insertion | - |
768 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT - Brain | - |
769 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT - Contrast | - |
770 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT - Plain | - |
771 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT - Triphasic (Contrast) | - |
772 | | Advanced Add. Procedures | Both | CT - Triphasic (Plain) | - |
773 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT Abdomen Pelvis Contrast | - |
774 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT Abdomen Pelvis Plain | - |
775 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT Chest Contrast | - |
776 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | CT Chest plain | - |
777 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | MRI (Contrast) | - |
778 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | MRI (Plain) | - |
779 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | MRI Brain | - |
780 | | Advanced Add.Procedures | Both | MRI Neck | - |
781 | | Gastroentrology | Secondary | PEG | - |
782 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | ASD - Device Occluder | - |
783 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Aorto Pulmonary Window Closure | - |
784 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) - Repair | - |
785 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | AtrioVentricular Septal Defect (AVSD) - Repair | - |
786 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Blalock-Taussig (BT) Shunt | - |
787 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | COAO Repair + PA Banding | - |
788 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Coarctation Of Aorta - Repair | - |
789 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Complete AV (Atrioventricular) Canal | - |
790 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Diaphragm Plication | - |
791 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | PDA Device Closure | - |
792 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | PDA Ligation | - |
793 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Partial AV (Atrioventricular) Canal | - |
794 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | RVOT/PDA Stening | - |
795 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) - Total Correction | - |
796 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | VSD - Device Closure | - |
797 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Valve Repair | - |
798 | | Paeds Cardiology | Tertiary | Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) - Repair | - |
799 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | ASD Repair | - |
800 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | ASD+ Valve Repair | - |
801 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Aortic Root Replacement/Bentall Procedure | - |
802 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) | - |
803 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Axilary Artery Repair / Grafting | - |
804 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | CABG | - |
805 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | CABG + DVR | - |
806 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | CABG + IABP | - |
807 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | CABG + MVR | - |
808 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Cardiac Myxoma | - |
809 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | DVR + TV Repair | - |
810 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Double Valve Replacement (DVR) | - |
811 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Glenn (OFF pump) | - |
812 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | MVR+ Aortic Valve Repair | - |
813 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR) | - |
814 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Partial Anamulous Venous Drainage Repair (PAPVD) | - |
815 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Pulmonary Artery (PA) Banding | - |
816 | | Cardiac Surgery | Tertiary | Subaortic Membrane Resection (SAM) | - |
817 | | EAR | Secondary | Decompression sac | - |
818 | | EAR | Secondary | Myringotomy with Grommet - One ear | - |
819 | | EAR | Secondary | Myrinogotomy with Grommet - Both ear | - |
820 | | NOSE | Tertiary | Fracture - setting maxilla | - |
821 | | NOSE | Tertiary | Fracture - setting nasal bone | - |
822 | | THROAT | Secondary | Partial Glossectomy | - |
823 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Abdominal aortic aneurysm | - |
824 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Aneurysm Resection & Grafting | - |
825 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Bullectomy | - |
826 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Carotid artery aneurism | - |
827 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Choledochojejunostomy | - |
828 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Cysto Reductive Surgery | - |
829 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Cystogastrostomy | - |
830 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Debulking of Tumor under GA | - |
831 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Decortication (Pleurectomy) | - |
832 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Excision and Skin Graft of Venous Ulcer | - |
833 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Exploratory Thorocotomy | - |
834 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Hernia Repair - Bilateral | - |
835 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Laproscopic Pyloromyotomy | - |
836 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Secondary | Microlaryngoscopic Surgery [microlaryngoscopy] | DL |
837 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Panproctocolectomy | - |
838 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Radical Neck Dissection (including Biopsy) | - |
839 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Renal Artery aneurysm and disection | - |
840 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Splenectomy - For Trauma | - |
841 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Thyroplasty | - |
842 | | GENERAL SURGERY | Tertiary | Tracheoplasty (Throat) | - |
843 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | ACL With Titanium Implant | - |
844 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Acromion reconstruction | - |
845 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Arthrodesis - Small Joint | - |
846 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Debridement & Closure - Spinal Anaethesia | - |
847 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Developmental Dislocation of Hip (DDH) Surgery | - |
848 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Hemiepiphysiodesis (Bilateral) | - |
849 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | ORIF Fibula | - |
850 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | ORIF-Pelvic Fracture/ Sacro Iliac Joint | - |
851 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Quadricepsplasty | - |
852 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Sequestrectomy with Antibiotic Bone cement | - |
853 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Synovectomy | - |
854 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Total Elbow Replacement (Trauma Only) | - |
855 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Total Hip Replacement (Cemented) - Trauma Only | - |
856 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Total Hip Replacement (UnCemented) - Trauma Only | - |
857 | | ORTHOPAEDIC | Tertiary | Total Knee Replacement (Trauma Only) | - |
858 | | UROLOGY | Tertiary | Correction of Extrophy of Bladder | EEC |
859 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Coronary Care Unit (CCU) | - |
860 | | Medical Cases | Tertiary | Neo Natal jaundice with Phototheraphy | - |
1000 | | BURNS/Surgery | Tertiary | Conservative Management (Per day Package) | - |
862 | | Pulmonology | Tertiary | Bronchoscopy (Diagnostic) | - |
863 | | Thoracic surgery | Tertiary | Cervical lymph node biopsy | - |
864 | | Thoracic surgery | Tertiary | Feeding Jejunostomy | - |
865 | | Thoracic surgery | Tertiary | Hiatus Hernia | - |
866 | | Thoracic surgery | Tertiary | Lung Abscess | - |